Emerging a User Experience Strategy: Presentation Slides

The slides from @michellegilmore and my presentation at UX Australia are up on slideshare. We’ll add the audio as it becomes available. We’re hoping to take a version of this presentation to IXD10 next year (submissions are currently being reviewed) so any feedback and thoughts are more than welcome!

View more documents from penny hagen.

UX Australia was a fantastic conference, thanks again to the organisers!



  1. Hi Penny
    Thats a great slide deck. The case study presents a clear narrative even without the audio.

    A question about the case itself: how much of the workshop findings influenced a redesign as opposed to code changes and changes to content? Or to put it another way, what sort of project did it define?


  2. Thanks eri, not sure if I am following your question correctly, but the workshops and process of creating a strategy with clients define the shape of the project at a highlevel. The idea is to define the direction for the project and a set of principles/guidelines and how things might be done, so effectively the strategy becomes a framework for decision making about content and technology within the design process (i.e this is the best decision because it helps us to meet these agreed goals). Hope that makes sense/responds in some way to your question 🙂

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